
Retry with style

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nth Chance

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nthchance provides a friendly way to execute an action with automatic retries. If your function fails, it will keep trying until it succeeds or the retry limit is reached.

Quick start


npm install nthchance


import nthchance from 'nthchance';

// Example function to demonstrate retry mechanism
async function exampleFunction() {
    // Simulate a function that may fail
    const random = Math.random();
    if (random < 0.7) {
        throw new Error('Random failure');
    return 'Success';

// Create an instance of NthChance with the example function
const retryableFunction = nthchance(exampleFunction).with({
    totalTimeout: 30000, // Total timeout of 30 seconds
    retries: 5, // Maximum number of retries
    delayMultiplier: 1000, // Initial delay of 1 second
    maxDelay: 5000, // Maximum delay of 5 seconds
    maxDelayVariation: 1000, // Random variation in delay up to 1 second

// Execute the retryable function
    .then((result) => {
        console.log('Function succeeded with result:', result);
    .catch((error) => {
        console.error('Function failed with error:', error);

API Guide

nthchance function

The default nthchance function is used to create a retryable function from existing function.

  • nthchance(fn).with(opts): Create a retryable function with the provided function fn and options opts.
  • nthchance(fn).with(d): Create a retryable function with the provided function fn and decider d.
  • nthchance(fn).with(d, as): Create a retryable function with the provided function fn and decider d and AbortSignal as.


The result from nthchance(fn).with(...) call is a retryable function of the type NthChanceFunction. It provides additional properties and methods to control and monitor the retry process:

  • executions: An array of execution details for each retry attempt. Each entry in the array is an ExecutionRecord object that contains information about a single execution attempt, including whether it was successful or failed, the arguments used, the returned value or error, and the time taken.
  • abort(reason?: unknown): A method to abort the retry process. You can provide an optional reason for the abortion, which will be passed to the rejection handler of the promise.


The NthChanceOptions interface allows you to configure the retry behavior. The delay between retries is calculated using an exponential backoff strategy with optional randomness. Here are the available options:

  • totalTimeout (optional): The total time (in milliseconds) allowed for all retries combined. Default is 30,000 (30 seconds).
  • retries (optional): The maximum number of retry attempts. Default is 2.
  • delayMultiplier (optional): The factor by which the delay time is increased by a factor of 2 between the end of a failed execution and the start of the next retry attempt.. Default is 1000 (1 second).
  • maxDelay (optional): The maximum delay (in milliseconds) between retries. Default is 10,000 (10 seconds).
  • maxDelayVariation (optional): The maximum random variation (in milliseconds) added to the delay. Default is 0.
  • signal (optional): An AbortSignal to abort the retry process.

Decider Function

A Decider function determines whether to retry the operation and how long to wait before retrying.

const retryableFunctionWithDecider = nthchance(exampleFunction).with(async (fn) => {
    if (fn.executions.length < 3) {
        // If there is less than 3 execution attempts, always retry with 1 second delay
        return {
            retry: true,
            delay: 1000,
            args: ['newArg1', 456], // Retry with this new arguments
    } else if (fn.executions[fn.executions.length - 1].error) {
        // If the last execution attempts threw an exception, stop retying
        return {
            retry: false,
            error: new Error('Error retrying'), // The error to be rejected
    } else {
        // Stop retrying and return the value
        return {
            retry: false,
            returnedValue: 123, // THe value to be returned

try {
    const result = await retryableFunctionWithDecider();
    console.log('Function succeeded with result:', result);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Function failed with error:', error);

Aborting Retries

You can abort the retry process at any time by calling the abort method on the retryable function or by using an AbortSignal if provided in the options or the with function.


The ExecutionRecord type represents the outcome of an execution attempt. It can be either a SuccesfulExecution or a FailedExecution. Here are the details of each type and their properties:

Common properties

  • startTime (bigint): The high-resolution start time of the execution in nanoseconds.
  • finishTime (bigint): The high-resolution finish time of the execution in nanoseconds.
  • decision (optional): The decision made by the Decider regarding the retry attempt. It can be of type DeciderOutcome.
  • aborted (optional): A boolean indicating whether the execution was aborted.
  • abortReason (optional): The reason for abortion, if any.


The SuccesfulExecution interface represents a successful execution attempt:

  • returnedValue: The value returned by the function upon successful execution.


The FailedExecution interfacerepresents a failed execution attempt:

  • error (unknown): The error encountered during the execution.


The DeciderOutcome type represents the possible outcomes of a decision made by the Decider. It can be one of the following:

  • TryAgainDecision: Indicates that the function should be retried.
  • StopDecision: Indicates that the function should not be retried and an error should be returned.
  • ReturnDecision: Indicates that the function should not be retried and a value should be returned.


The TryAgainDecision interface represents a decision to retry the function:

  • retry (true): A boolean indicating that the function should be retried.
  • delay (optional): The delay (in milliseconds) before the next retry attempt.
  • args (optional): The arguments to be passed to the next retry attempt.


The StopDecision interface represents a decision to stop retrying the function:

  • retry (false): A boolean indicating that the function should not be retried.
  • error (unknown): The error to be returned to the caller in a rejected promise.


The ReturnDecision interface represents a decision to return a value successfully:

  • retry (false): A boolean indicating that the function should not be retried.
  • returnedValue: The value to be returned to the caller in a resolved promise.