
💻 Personal website: an exploratory, trial-and-error, anti-portfolio space, to see what happens

Primary LanguageHTML

vickylim.com / vickylim.github.io

Personal website, a work-in-progress

2019: I am excited to code my personal website from scratch this year and use it as an exploratory, trial-and-error, anti-portfolio space, as a throwback to teen girls on LiveJournal with artist sites that I grew up loving and bookmarking. Inspired by Laurel Schwulst's essay on the Creative Independent on what a website could be in this flat land of drag-and-drop templates.

2021: I am reviving this project and after 5 ½ hours figuring out how to set up Hugo, a static site generator, and host it on GitHub, I am excited to write a blog on learning (languages, life hacks, life lessons, political education, professional development, random technical problems and solutions) and to focus more on content than on coding. These posts will be influenced by Ellen Ullman’s two books, Close to the Machine and Life in Code.