This was generated on 2024-05-23 by Yuting Vicky Lin (
Author Information
First author
- Name: Dr. Yuting Vicky Lin
- Institution: Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Second author
- Name: Prof. Pierre-Alexandre Château
- Institution: Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 80420, Taiwan
Third author
- Name: Prof. Yoko Nozawa
- Institution: Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 905-0227, Japan
Fourth author
- Name: Prof. Chih-Lin Wei
- Institution: Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Fifth author
- Name: Dr. Rainer Ferdinand Wunderlich
- Institution: Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan & 5INRAE, UR EABX, 33612 Cestas, France
Sixth & corresponding author
- Name: Prof. Vianney Denis
- Institution: Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan
- Email:
Date of data collection: 2016-2020
Geographic location of data collection: Taiwan, West Pacific
Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Marine National Park of Taiwan, National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan, Ocean Affairs Council of Taiwan
Recommended citation for this dataset Lin YT, Château P-A, Nozawa Y, Wei C-L, Wunderlich RF, Denis V (2024), Data from: Drivers of coastal benthic communities in a complex environmental setting, Dryad, Dataset,
[Data and R script are also available through the GitHub repository in order to replicate our analyses]
This research investigated how different environmental factors affect communities of marine organisms living on the seabed in coastal areas (i.e., benthic communities), which is important for deciding which factors need to be controlled. We collected data from 433 transects around Taiwan, including information on benthic composition and 21 environmental factors describing the physical environment, the chemicals in the water, the disturbance history and human activities on land. By analyzing these data, we were able to identify five types of communities dominated by different types of organisms, including crustose coralline algae, turf algae, stony corals, and digitate and bushy soft corals. We found that factors such as light intensity, nitrite levels, and population density were the most important in determining community types. Surprisingly, historical factors such as typhoons and abnormally high temperature had less influence. We also discovered that turf algae are widely distributed in Taiwan and are strongly promoted by human activities on land and nutrient enrichment. This suggests that human activities are making benthic communities in Taiwan more similar to each other, which could mask the effects of climate change and natural differences between regions. To protect these communities in Taiwan, it is important to control nutrient levels in the water and reduce pollution from the land. This will help these communities remain resilient in the face of climate change.
Description of dataset
These data were used to identify distinct benthic communities around Taiwan and the important environmental drivers causing the difference.
File List
File 1: Linetal_dataset_Benthic.csv
- File 1 description: benthic cover estimates of the 433 sampling transects
File 2: Linetal_dataset_Env.csv
- File 2 description: data of 21 environmental drivers in the 433 sampling transects
File 3: Linetal_dataset_Cor.csv
- File 3 description: coordination and benthic information used to generate Figure 1b
File 4: Linetal_dataset_TW.shp
- File 4 description: file of Taiwan map used to generate Figure 1a
File 5: Linetal_dataset_TW.cpg
- File 5 description: file of Taiwan map used to generate Figure 1a
File 6: Linetal_dataset_TW.dbf
- File 6 description: file of Taiwan map used to generate Figure 1a
File 7: Linetal_dataset_TW.prj
- File 7 description: file of Taiwan map used to generate Figure 1a
File 8: Linetal_dataset_TW.shx
- File 8 description: file of Taiwan map used to generate Figure 1a
A detailed description of data acquisition and processing can be found in the published manuscript in the Marine Pollution Bulletin (
Number of variables/columns: 28
Number of cases/rows: 434
Missing data codes
Variable List
- Column A - transect
- Column B - ac_erect_single
- Column C - ag_articulated_calcareous
- Column D - ag_corticated_foliose
- Column E – ag_corticated_macrophyte
- Column F – cca_crustose
- Column G – cy_filamentous
- Column H – hc_arborescent
- Column I – hc_bushy
- Column J – hc_column
- Column K – hc_encrusting
- Column L – hc_foliose
- Column M – hc_massive
- Column N – hc_table
- Column O – oc_arborescent
- Column P – oc_bushy
- Column Q – oc_cluster
- Column R – oc_digitate
- Column S – oc_encrusting
- Column T – oc_lobate
- Column U – oc_massive
- Column V – sg
- Column W – sp_encrusting
- Column X – sp_massive
- Column Y – sp_repent
- Column Z – turf_filamentous
- Column AA – zo_encrusting
- Column AB – zo_massive
Abbreviations used
- for major benthic categories:
- ac: ascidian
- ag: alga
- cca: crustose coralline alga
- cy: cyanobacteria
- hc: hard coral
- oc: octocoral
- sg: sea grass
- sp: sponge
- turf:turf alga
- zo: zoanthid
- for major benthic categories:
Number of variables/columns: 26
Number of cases/rows: 434
Missing data codes
Variable List
- Column A - Region
- Column B - Site
- Column C - Depth
- Column D - Latitude
- Column E – Longitude
- Column F – Mean_SST
- Column G – SD_SST
- Column H – Light_intensity
- Column I – Wave_exposure
- Column J – Wave_height
- Column K – Mean_chl_a
- Column L – SD_chl_a
- Column M – Nitrate
- Column N – Nitrite
- Column O – Phosphate
- Column P – DHW
- Column Q – DHW_recovery
- Column R – Typhoon_disturbance
- Column S – Typhoon_recovery
- Column T – Typhoon_frequency
- Column U – Anthropogenic_land_use
- Column V – Forest_land_use
- Column W – Population_density
- Column X – Tourist_visitors
- Column Y – Unstable_substrate_cover
- Column Z – Management_status
Abbreviations used
- for environmental factors:
- Mean_SST: Mean sea surface temperature
- SD_SST: Standard deviation of sea surface temperature
- Light_intensity: Light intensity
- Wave_exposure: Wave exposure
- Wave_height: Wave height
- Mean_chl_a: Mean chlorophyll a
- SD_chl_a: Standard deviation of chlorophyll a
- DHW: Degree heating week
- DHW_recovery: Recovery time from the last extreme heat event
- Typhoon frequency: Number of severe typhoons in the last decade
- Typhoon disturbance: Maximum wind speed for the last severe typhoon
- Typhoon recovery: Recovery time from the last severe typhoon
- Anthropogenic_land_use: Anthropogenic land use
- Forest_land_use: Forest land use
- Population_density: Population density
- Tourist_visitors: Tourist visits
- Unstable_substrate_cover: Unstable substrate cover
- Management_status: Management status
- for environmental factors:
Number of variables/columns: 14
Number of cases/rows: 88
Missing data codes
Variable List
- Column A - Region
- Column B - Site
- Column C - Depth
- Column D - Latitude
- Column E – Longitude
- Column F – 1
- Column G – 2
- Column H – 3
- Column I – 4
- Column J – 5
- Column K – y
- Column L – x
- Column M – Label1
- Column N – Label2
Abbreviations used
- for variables:
- 1: CCA Community
- 2: Turf & Stony Coral Community
- 3: Turf Community
- 4: Digitate Community
- 5: Bushy Community
- y: the vertical position of the pie chart
- x: the horizontal position of the pie chart
- Label1: the number of sampling locations used in Figure 1a
- Label2: the number of sampling locations used in Figure 1b
- for variables:
R is required to open Lin_et_al_MPB.Rmd; the script was created using version 4.1.2. After opening the file, you can knit it to generate an HTML file and extract the R code. When knitting Lin_et_al_MPB.Rmd, make sure you have the following files available: Linetal_dataset_Benthic.csv, Linetal_dataset_Env.csv, Linetal_dataset_Cor.csv, Linetal_dataset_TW.shp, Linetal_dataset_TW.cpg, Linetal_dataset_TW.dbf, Linetal_dataset_TW.prj, and Linetal_dataset_TW.shx. Linetal_dataset_TW.cpg, Linetal_dataset_TW.dbf, Linetal_dataset_TW.prj, and Linetal_dataset_TW.shx are the companion files for Linetal_dataset_TW.shp.
Microsoft Excel can be used to view Linetal_dataset_Benthic.csv, Linetal_dataset_Env.csv, and Linetal_dataset_Cor.csv.