
fire detection scripts for master project

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Fire Detection in Drone Video

MATLAB implementation

For matlab implementation check this folder matlab-detection-fire.

This MATLAB code analyzes a forest drone video to detect potential fire regions based on color thresholds in the YCbCr color space.


  • Video Input: The code reads a forest drone video ('forest_droneCam.mp4' by default).
  • Color Space Conversion: Converts each frame to the YCbCr color space.
  • Thresholding: Applies thresholding on Cb and Cr channels to identify potential fire regions.
  • Binary Mask Creation: Generates a binary mask highlighting detected fire regions.
  • Visualization: Displays the processed frames with detected fire regions using implay.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Ensure MATLAB is installed.
  3. Open MATLAB and navigate to the code directory.
  4. Run the script (detection.m) with your desired video file.

Python implementation

In progress...