
Project needs new maintainer

vgrichina opened this issue · 21 comments

As pull requests go unmerged for months – I think project is in a desperate need of a new maintainer.

I think @Shadowfiend did most of the contributions, so maybe he's interested to step in?

I fully agree.

For what it's worth, should Martin ask, I would be willing to help out in this way. In the meantime, I'm happy to keep my fork up to date, which I use as my main editor.

+1 I love vico, but it is still lacking in many features. I'd love to see it not die.

Agreed! Vico is still useful but needs polish and love.

A note: I'm using the merged branch in my fork to keep track of functionality and bug fixes and such that I've merged. master tracks master from this repository. Last night, I switched my fork to have merged as its default branch, so cloning the fork will now put you on the merged branch automatically, and pull requests made on that repository will be to the merged branch automatically as well.

@Shadowfiend there is currently no easy way to get at a recent version of Vico. I'm no Obj-C developer, but I expected to just pull your 'merged' branch and be able to compile it with a recent version of Xcode, and this is just not doable (and hasn't been for as long as Vico has been on GitHub). Git submodule error messages are cryptic and unhelpful.

I paid for Vico, I don't want to see it not being used just because there isn't a nightly build easily downloadable.
As it stands we're just gathered here to watch it die, and go completely out of use.

@martinh isn't available, and hasn't been for months. I vote for considering his repo defunct.

XCode cannot build Vico, and has not been able to from the beginning (that is, from when it was first released as open source). However, you can use make.

make run will run Vico just fine, and once you've run it once you will have an executable in the build/DEBUG subdirectory of the directory you checked out vico to. make probably also generates that executable (so you don't have to do make run and run it once), but I haven't checked that recently as I'm constantly switching between working on Vico and working on other stuff using Vico.

Hope that helps!

(As a side note, were someone to work on getting the XCode project working, I'd be glad to pull those changes into my merged branch. The real problem is, I use Vico to build Vico, so I wouldn't necessarily notice if things broke.

Also worth mentioning, once you've built Vico using make, you should still be able to debug it using XCode. Unless I did some additional setup long ago that lets me do that, but I don't think so.)

@Shadowfiend I was under the impression make used Xcode to build Vico, sorry about that. I've made another attempt at it, and the cryptic submodule-related message is still there.

EDIT: created new ticket at

My point still stands – I'm using the same version of Vico I paid for in the AppStore, because there isn't a nightly available, and the thing won't build for me. I'm sure I'm not alone.
Vico isn't getting used or promoted, and vicoapp/vico is woefully out of date.

Huh. Interesting. Looks like it's trying to clone a read/write version of the ack repository, and you don't have access, so it's clearly failing. Can you open a separate issue for this? I'll investigate a bit, as if that's failing for you it should really be failing for me, too O.o

So, as we found out, a person without a GitHub SSH key can't pull and compile Vico. A nightly is a must, if we want to rekindle interest in this project.

I can setup "nightly" builds using the continuous integration service I build –
I'll let you know once it works fine.

@vgrichina pulling from Shadowfiend/vico:merged, right?
And don't forget you're awesome for doing this.


Anyone know where I can find this build?

I don't think it's been set up yet, given that @vgrichina hasn't circled back with any news :)

Sorry guys, got side tracked with that. Will try to setup this stuff after
I come from WWDC

Четвер, 13 червня 2013 р. користувач Antonio Salazar Cardozo написав:

I don't think it's been set up yet, given that @vgrichina't circled back with any news :)

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Ok folks, I'm going to go ahead and close this ticket. I've been given admin privileges to the Vico repository, so I'll be doing some housecleaning over the next few days so we can make this the canonical source for Vico's latest state.

@vgrichina Once you do get back from WWDC, if you could make things build from the master branch of this repo, I think it should be synced with my merged branch by then :)

Sounds great. Thanks to both of you for your work on this.

@vgrichina maybe this helps?