
This is an API which is used to get students of a University. It is built using SpringBoot, MongoDB and Docker

Primary LanguageJava


Student API with Spring Boot, MongoDB, JPA and Hibernate

Steps to Setup

1. Clone the application


2. Create MongoDB database

3. Change MongoDB username and password as per your installation

  • open src/main/resources/application.properties

  • change

spring.data.mongodb.authentication-database spring.data.mongodb.username spring.data.mongodb.password spring.data.mongodb.database spring.data.mongodb.port spring.data.mongodb.host spring.data.mongodb.auto-index-creation

as per your MongoDB installation

4. Build and run the app using maven

The app will start running at http://localhost:8080.

Explore Rest APIs

The app defines following CRUD APIs.

GET /api/v1/students

POST /api/v1/students

DELETE /api/v1/students/{id}