
Draft version of decatime website

Primary LanguagePHP

Website example based on SLIM 3 Framework

starting up:

The environment configuration file

The configuration variables relay on phpdotenv package. you must create a .env file inside config folder and put lines located in .env.example

Initialisation of the project

  • composer install
  • bower install
  • npm install
  • grunt
  • go to config and cp .env.example to .env
  • mkdir -p cache/twig
  • mkdir -p cache/phpSession
  • run: sh bin/initdb
  • ./bin/runserv
  • navigate to http://localhost:8000

Database building

If you don't change anything in .env configuration file then the default database is sqlite and is named: dbsite.sdb3. To build it run command:


This will actually:

  • Drop the database if exists
  • Create the schema
  • Update entities
  • load fixtures

Fixtures are located in fixtures folder in the root folder.