implemented using a binary search tree
key/value pair = string/int
###public functions
void clear()
void insert(std::string key, unsigned int value)
Iterator findEqual(std::string key) const
Iterator findEqualOrSuccessor(std::string key) const
Iterator findEqualOrPredecessor(std::string key) const
###public functions
bool valid() const
std::string getKey() const
unsigned int getValue() const
bool next()
bool prev()
###public functions
bool specifySchema(const std::vector<FieldDescriptor>& schema)
bool addRow(const std::vector<std::string>& rowOfData)
bool loadFromURL(std::string url)
bool loadFromFile(std::string filename)
int getNumRows() const
bool getRow(int rowNum, std::vector<std::string>& row) const
=============================== Note: Tokenizer.h and HTTP.h are provided by the professor