
Primary LanguageJavaScript


The following Cat App is a ReactJS/Express JS/MongoDB w/ an API layer that talks to https://thecatapi.com/. It allows registered users to query boring and cool mime_types and also ability to add to your favorite collection! Meow!


Running the Server

  1. Run exports constants (provided by a cool cat)

  2. Change to the /server/ directory

  3. Install NPM modules

(Might need sudo)

npm install
  1. Run the development flavor of the server
npm run dev

Running the React Application

  1. Change to the /app/ directory

  2. Install NPM modules

(Might need sudo)

npm install
  1. Run the app (If there are issues running node-sass then run start-light instead of start)
npm start #run start-light if Node-Sass has permission issues..yeah..meh.


Open up the Swagger schema file in https://editor.swagger.io/ to see some definitions or Open up the Postman file in the repo.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
