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Python Serverless template

  1. Description
  2. Instructions
  3. Local DynamoDB settings

1. Description

This is a template project that allow developers to quickly create a Python Serverless project.

This template includes by default:

  • Local Serverless framework support. (Using then command: yarn local)
  • Local DynamoDB support. (Using then command: yarn local)
  • Test support using pytest. (Using the command: pytest)
  • CI/CD pipeline for dev, staging and master branches. (Check the .github/workflows/ directories)

The directories structure is as follows:

  • test/: All service's tests must be placed under this directory. Tests can be written in TypeScript.
  • src/handler: All the handler classes. All handler should be methods from a class in this directory.
  • src/model: The model regarding the service should be placed here.
  • src/service: All services including custom services and services related to AWS should be placed here. This includes for example, DynamoDB service, or a custom service for your domain.
  • src/serverless: In this directory, it should be placed everything regarding Serverless framework. This includes plugins files (src/serverless/plugins) or Cloud Formation resources .yml files (src/serverless/resources) to include in the main serverless.yml.

2. Instructions

  1. Go to package.json file and update the repository, name, description and main fields.
  2. Go to serverless.yml file and update custom.service field.
  3. Remove the .git folder placed at the root of the project.
  4. Execute git init at the root of the project to create a new git repository.
  5. Execute yarn install to install all the dependencies.
  6. Execute virtualenv -p python3 venv to create a Virtual Environment (Need to use Python 3.9)
  7. Execute source venv/bin/activate to activate the Virtual Environment
  8. Add your dependencies on the requirements.txt file
  9. Execute pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the dependencies
  10. Execute yarn local to run the service locally.
  11. Develop new code and enjoy...

Finally, it is recommended to copy this README file somewhere else and update this one so that ir reflects the right README for the service to develop.

3. Local DynamoDB settings

By default, this template will migrate the local DynamoDB using the table's description declared under the Resources section in the serverless.yml file.

It uses a file under src/serverless/plugins/localDynamoDB to seed the local DynamoDB.

To seed new tables, just add under the src/serverless/plugins/localDynamoDB directory a new .json file and add a new entry under seed.domain.sources in serverless.yml.