
This repository contains a video game sales dashboard using a dataset from Kaggle and Tableau.

MIT LicenseMIT

Video Game Sales Data Visualization on Tableau

Author: Victor de Paula Silva

Location: Monte Mor, São Paulo, Brazil

Start: 2024-03-08


Version: 1.0

Contact: Github - LinkedIn - Outlook - Gmail


This repository contains a video game sales dashboard using a dataset from Kaggle and Tableau.

In this work, I removed a total of 619 records. I will analyze only the data that are in the range from 1980 to 2015. Every invalid values / NaN in the year column was dropped (217) and every records between 2016 and 2020 (348) too. I've also removed the Rank column, since it won't be used in the analysis and it's enough to sort by the Global_Sales column to get the ranking of best-selling games. As a result, the final dataset has 10 columns and 15979 rows.

If you want, download Video Games Sales.twbx file to open on your desktop. You can also access it on the web, clicking on Video Games Sales.


  • Original: vgsales.csv
  • Treated: videogame_sales.csv

Technologies used: