
Victor's personal repo for scripting in ts/js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


I want to establish a working pattern that we can use js/ts to quickly explore data, execute snippets, persist output and adjust code quickly. And of course, to stablize this pattern via code.

I want to make it so easy that writing some working code with working test and persisting it no longer looks scary, where you are forced to setup a repo and many basic things.

How to write script

output: ._log/ files

First, you need to open the nodemon with npm run d -- files src/your-file.ts to quickly see your code changes

Now, you shall open another terminal tab to see the standard output. I will setup a logger that will print things to standard output AND also a new log file.

Use npm run dlog : this will trigger a shell script which will try to cat first 100 lines of the most recent files


Licensed under the APLv2. See the LICENSE file for details.