
This is an activity to practice object-oriented programming.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Object-oriented programming

This is an activity to practice object-oriented programming. It consists of creating, modifying, visualizing and calculating features of cars with the creation of classes.

Project state

Today's code To update
  • Works
  • Simple
  • Interactive
  • Can be improved
  • More user-friendly
  • Add settings
  • Not definitive
  • Obtimizable
  • Project function

    The activity consists of two menus, the first is far from the second since you have to create a car interactively through the console.

    First menu

    You will be asked for the creation of a car the model, body, color, number of doors, and price. Once all these properties have been entered, you can perform three actions. An action consists of modifying any car already created. Another action only prints the information of the car you have selected. And finally, the last option is to make a price comparison, get the maximum, minimum and average.

    • Create new car
    • Modify a car
    • Show information
    • Statistics of prices

    Second menu

    Since the second menu is based on the previous menu, and we have some predetermined cars, it will no longer be necessary to create cars manually. The 3 actions already mentioned above can be carried out.

    • Modify car
    • Show intormation
    • Statistics of prices

    Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!