
This is a clone of the Google search results page. The goal was to have something indistinguishable from the original for the keenest of eyes. To accomplish that, I would inspect the original source code to fine-tune the styling accordingly. (Is that a crime?)

The page was divided into three sections:

  1. The header, which contains an unordered list for the links at the top
  2. The main, which contains the main elements (the logo image and a form element for the search box and buttons)
  3. The footer, which contains an unordered list for the links at the bottom

I used CSS Flexbox to position the links of the header exactly as I wanted without insane effort.

To center the buttons bellow the search box, I set the text-align property of its parent element (form) to center. By the way, this solution is much more elegant than the solution used by some intern at Google who put the buttons between <center> tags. The center element is not supported in HTML5.

I used descendant selectors, attribute selectors and structural pseudo-classes (:nth-child()) to avoid cluttering the HTML with classes.

For the links in the footer, the Google intern used font-size: small;. This is not consistent across browsers (I tested on Chrome and Firefox). For consistency, I used font-size: 13px;. This is how Chrome interprets small.

From The Odin Project's curriculum.