
A simple bank structure made with postgreSQL and .NET Core (C#) 8

Primary LanguageC#


A simple bank structure made with postgreSQL and .NET Core (C#) 8

Database Overview

The database environment is based on four main tables: accounts, users, persons and transactions.

Using concepts of heritage we have in all relationships a one to one scenario:

  • One user Belongs to One account (1:1)
  • One person Belongs to One user (1:1)
  • One transaction Belongs to One account in column account_sender (1:1) and the same happens with account_receiver (1:1) column.

With account_sender and account_receiver we've got all user, person and account information (It's happen across the keys relationship - primary/foreign key).


Account Table (accounts)

This database entity have 8 columns:

  1. account_id: integer not null (primary key)
  2. agency: string not null
  3. number: string not null
  4. starting_capital: double not null (default 0.0)
  5. balance: double not null (default 0.0)
  6. created_at: date not null default NOW()
  7. updated_at: date not null default NOW()
  8. deleted_at: date nullable

User Table (users)

This database entity have 7 columns:

  1. user_id: integer not null (primary key)
  2. email: string not null
  3. password: string not null
  4. account_id: bigint not null unique (foreign key)
  5. created_at: date not null default NOW()
  6. updated_at: date not null default NOW()
  7. deleted_at: date nullable

Person Table (persons)

This database entity have 8 columns:

  1. person_id: integer not null (primary key)
  2. name: string not null
  3. last_name: string not null
  4. tax_id: string not null unique
  5. birthday: date not null
  6. user_id bigint not null (foreign key)
  7. created_at: date not null default NOW()
  8. updated_at: date not null default NOW()
  9. deleted_at: date nullable

Transaction Table (transactions)

This database entity have 7 columns:

  1. transaction_id: integer not null (primary key)
  2. date_transaction: date not null default NOW()
  3. account_sender: bigint not null (foreign key)
  4. account_receiver: bigint not null (foreign key)
  5. transaction_value: double not null
  6. transaction_type: EnumTransactionType not null -- EnumTransactionType: ('Pix', 'Transference', 'TED', 'DOC')