
Analysis of Nginx logs

Primary LanguageShell

Nginx Log Analyzer

Analysis of Nginx access logs for a given day

Script access.sh analyzes the access log files in the format like:

%host - - [%time] \"%request\" %status %bytes \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"

and return following information for a given day:

  • average number of requests per second
  • max number of requests per second
  • top of codes
  • top 5 of requests frequency per day
  • top 5 of referers frequency per day


Given we have access log such as - - [17/Apr/2016:06:27:04 +0300] "GET /api/friends?uid=1193 HTTP/1.1" 200 39 "https://game.ru/search.php?id=615608" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36"

and we want get statistics for 17 April 2016.

  1. Copy log files (as *.access.log, *.access.log.1) in the directory 'log/'.
  2. Edit access.sh - set the DAY variable in line 13 to '17/Apr/2016'.
  3. Execute script - bash access.sh


Req / sec AVG :
Req / sec peak :
Total by codes :
200 1242719
304 1317
400 758
499 359
302 108
401 103
404 49
500 2
Top of Requests :
137809 "GET/api/social/has_friends_app_users
112519 "GET/api/ticket_comments/unread_ticket_comments
63526 "GET/api/social/groups_is_member
48488 "GET/api/social/is_liked
33016 "GET/api/quest_missions
Top of Referers :
765519 "https://vk.com
437281 "http://vk.com
9594 "http://www.ok.ru
3974 "http://ok.ru
3068 "https://my.mail.ru