
generates a human-readable .HTML file from the Veracode pipeline verification results.json file

Primary LanguagePython


performs the pipeline scan and generates an human-readable html file with the result of the analysis.
tested in python 3.7
System Requirements for Veracode Pipeline Scan:
You must have installed Java 8 or later.

How to Use

In directory where requirements.txt is located.
run: pip install -r requirements.txt to install json2html package.
Edit the code to insert your Veracode credentials in --veracode_api_id and --veracode_api_key parameters.
follow this guide to Packaging Requirements and change the parameter --file to the name of the application artifact like a application.zip or application.jar https://help.veracode.com/r/c_pipeline_scan_packaging

Obtain the Pipeline Scan Files in https://downloads.veracode.com/securityscan/pipeline-scan-LATEST.zip

extract pipelinescan to the same folder as the python script.

Run python script

Open pipeline-report.html in same folder as the python script