
React version of dig ccmixter

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTE - the current repo is in a major overhaul - somewhat unstable right now. See the TODO file for what's going on.

This project builds web front ends for ccmixter, dig.ccmixter and satellite (landing pages) for stems, playlists and pells.

Build & Run


build and run requires node >= 4 and gulp command line.


See the bash script build for full production build.

Recommended: use the build bash script to populate the /dist directory, then use gulp to repopulate stuff you're working on.

Options to gulp:

  --<name>         - app or satellite name (valid names: dig, ccmixter, stems, playlists, pells)
                       Default: ccmixter
  -p               - production build, minifies js/css
                       Default: off
  --apihost=<host> - host domain for Query API. Only applies to apps. 
                       Current default: ccmixter.org
                       Future: api.ccmixter.org
  --sathost=<host> - host domain for links in static landing pages. Only applies to satellites.
  					   Current default: beta.ccmixter.org
  					   Future: ccmixter.org


Build ccmxter for debugging (it is the default build)


Build dig for debugging

gulp --dig

Build pells satellite

gulp --pells

Build the server runtime

gulp server-js 

See gulpfile.js for all possible tasks. It's all very atomic. So for example if you make a change to one of the public css files in ccmixter you can just:

gulp browser-css

or added an image to dig

gulp browser-static --dig


To rebuild ccmixter on the fly install watchify and run

gulp watchify 

or for dig

gulp watchify --dig

N.B.: This will watch the ./work/app directory, not the ./app source files so as you work in ./app you'll want to copy what you save to ./work/app. In order to automate that in Sublime you can set up a build rule that looks like:

  "shell_cmd":  "cp $file ${file/app\\//work\\/app\\//}",


The satellites are static web pages.

dig and ccmixter run under node

node dist/dig


node dist/ccmixter


  --port=<port>    - default 3000
  -v               - verbose print outs
  -c               - use node clusters for multithreading


  node dist/dig
  node dist/ccmixter --port=4000
  node dist/dig -c


Access logs are written to ./logs. To browse the logs start:

  node logger --port:<magic-port-number>

Then browse to http://localhost:<magic-port-number>

The port is encoded so people can't snoop it. The port number is encoded in an MD5 in logger/index.js


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