
Simple tool to take snapshots of websites for archival purposes. Modified from phantomjs-screenshots.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple tool to take snapshots of websites for archival purposes. Modified from phantomjs-screenshots.

Example Job File

{ "output": "/path/to/my/screenshots/example.com/%y/example-%d.png", "viewport": "1280x1024", "url": "http://example.com", "useragent": "screenshooter", "waitfor": "ul#ext-gen25", "timeout": "15" }


The output path to specifying where the image will be saved to. The %y token is replaced with the 4 digit year, and the %d token is replace with the ISO formatted date (YYYY-MM-DD). Required.


The dimensions of the image to capture. Optional.


The URL to capture. Required.


The useragent to use when requesting the webpage. Some websites behave differently with different browsers/clients. This allows the developer to have fine control of that.


A DOM element that the . This is useful when website retrieve content asynchronously via AJAX. If the screenshot is taken immediately when the page has loaded, some elements or content might not be visible yet. This config will make the browser wait for a particular DOM selector to become visible before the screenshot is taken. Optional.


The number of seconds to wait for the page to load. Optional.