
Just an example of an CLI program written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Only a Mars weight calculator written in Rust

Local run


Bear in mind that in order for you to execute this project, you have to have rustc, cargo and rustup installed. Optionally, you can globally install cargo install cargo-expand so you can check what's the full implementation of macros in your Rust code

My current enviroment looks like this

➜  ~ rustc --version
rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)
➜  ~ cargo --version
cargo 1.61.0 (a028ae42f 2022-04-29)
➜  ~ rustup --version
rustup 1.25.1 (bb60b1e89 2022-07-12)
info: This is the version for the rustup toolchain manager, not the rustc compiler.
info: The currently active `rustc` version is `rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18)`

Steps to execute it localy

To run it, go to the root folder and execute:

  1. Run cargo run to execute the program
  2. Done


If you want to create a binary executable from this CLI, then you can run cargo build After this, you will be able to find a file within this path ./target/mars_calc

Running from docker-compose

If you don't want to have rust installed in your computed, you can always execute a docker-compose run mars_calc.