
A community repository for open-source Clojure libraries

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Clojars web interface

CircleCI Dependencies Status

This is the source code for the Clojars jar repository webapp.

If you're looking for user documentation, try the wiki. There is a also a FAQ.

See release announcements on the mailing list for recent user-facing changes.


Please report bugs or problems with the repository on the bug tracker.

Design discussions occur on the clojars-maintainers list and the #leiningen channel on irc.freenode.org.

If you'd like contribute a change please send a GitHub pull request for a topic branch. Feel free to open a pull request early with a "not ready for merging" note or ask on the mailing list or IRC to get feedback from other contributors. If you are looking for a task to work on, take a look at issues labeled ready.

We try to make releases fairly soon after merging contributions, but post to the mailing list if it's been a week or two and you'd like something pushed to the production website.


Note: Java 17 is required

Development system

To begin developing, start with a REPL.

lein repl

You'll need postgres running as well. That's managed via docker-compose:

docker-compose up

Run migrate to initialize the database to the latest migration.

user=> (migrate)

or alternatively, from the command line.

$ lein run -m user/migrate

Run go to initiate and start the system.

user=> (go)

By default this creates a running development system at http://localhost:8080.

Note: You may get the following error in the browser when accessing the dev system after running (go) for the first time:

No implementation of method: :-report-error of protocol: #'clojars.errors/ErrorReporter found for class: clojars.errors.StdOutReporter

If so, running (go) a second time should eliminate the error.

When you make changes to your source files, use reset to reload any modified files and reset the server.

user=> (reset)
:reloading (...)

If you'd like to hack on the UI or search it might be useful to have production-like metadata. To create that, use clojars.tools.setup-dev/-main to create test users, import an existing maven repository (your local ~/.m2/repository/ works well), and setup a search index:

mkdir data/dev_repo
cp -r ~/.m2/repository/* data/dev_repo
lein run -m clojars.tools.setup-dev

Note that this setup task isn't perfect - SNAPSHOTS won't have version-specific metadata (which won't matter for the operation of clojars, but may matter if you try to use the resulting repo as a real repo), and versions will be listed out of order on the project pages, but it should be good enough to test with.


Testing is designed to work in a REPL to allow flow.

user=> (test)
user=> (test #'clojars.test.unit.db/added-users-can-be-found)

Tests can also be run through Leiningen for CI.

lein test

Production system with development config

Occasionally it can be useful to start a production system based on the development configuration. This can be done by lein run.


See the Deployment instructions in the clojars-server-config repo.

Also see Configuration.


The default configuration is loaded from resources/default_config.edn. To override values from the default config, place them in map in an edn file, and specify the path to that file via the CLOJARS_EXTRA_CONFIG environment variable.

When running automated tests at the repl, or with lein test, a test environment is used to provide isolation. It can be found in test/clojars/test/test_helper.clj.


Copyright © 2009-2020 Alex Osborne, Phil Hagelberg, Nelson Morris, Toby Crawley, Daniel Compton and contributors.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file COPYING.