
Archive and entrypoint for important Catalan culture and language

Primary LanguageHCL


Portal for Catalan content on the distributed web

Archive and entrypoint for Catalan culture and language on the distributed web


The purpose of this repository and the beloning infrastructure is to provide ability to archive and host content relevant to Catalan culture and language.

Infrastructure costs are paid by a fund from donations. Once these run out, we can no longer guarantee that the content will be available.

Each submission will be reviewing to make sure it's:

  • Actually relevant to Catalan culture and/or language
  • Not too big (submitting content of 1TB is too big [depending on current funding])

Anything that passes those two criterias will be provided space and bandwidth to live on dweb.cat for as long as possible.

See it as the Internet Archive, but specifically for Catalunya and Catalan content.


Content needs to go through a process of verification, hosting and then publishing.

It works the following way:

  • If you already have the content ready, proceed to the next step. If the content is NOT ready for hosting yet, open a issue before pulling down the data locally so you don't waste your bandwidth on something that won't be accepted.
  • Add the content to IPFS and save the resulting hash. The basics of IPFS can be read in the file IPFS.md in the root of this repository
  • Submit a PR adding your hash and the metadata to content.json
  • Upon approved, the content will be pushed out to the gateways and applicable subdomains created in the infrastructure.

Process for operators

  • Once a change is in master, the following commands should be run:
  • ./pin-content.sh
  • ./build-website.js
  • (cd gateways/ && terraform plan -out wanted-change)
  • Confirm changes
  • (cd gateways/ && terraform apply wanted-change)


Website is a simple HTML website that lists all the content that is available and some metadata if available.

Content that gets added to content.json is hosted by a couple of gateway nodes that are running under https://dweb.cat/ipfs/:hash. These gateways are also connected to the general IPFS network so can be fetched from anywhere as well as from dweb.cat

Shortlinks can also be made by adding them to subdomains.json which is a object that lists names to their hashes. The hash linked must exists in content.json if it's listed in subdomains.json.


Deployment is handled with Terraform in the gateways/ directory.


Steps taken upon deploy of website:

  • Build website in website/
  • Add to IPFS
  • If website changed (content.json updated)
    • last-website-publish will be different from new hash
    • Update DNS record for archive.dweb.cat


All content on content.json is replicated to at least four places (please contact us if you can help replicate it more):

  • Gateways running under dweb.cat/ipfs
  • Online IPFS node running at Victor Bjelkholm's house
  • Offline cache available at Victor's house
  • S3 backup hosted by Amazon


  • dweb.cat
  • catalan-gateway.com


2017 MIT - Victor Bjelkholm