
Primary LanguageClojure


A once-in-a-lifetime REPL. Keep it alive, but do improve it. We're all in the same REPL.

Since the rules and state changes constantly, you're better off looking at https://livingthing.club to see the latest updates.

Running livingthing locally

Have leiningen installed. Run lein repl. Inside the REPL, execute (-main)

My proposed changes

Humanize the timestamps

(defn unix-epoch-to-human [t]
    (* 1000 t)))
(def max-size 700)
(defn $command-list-item [{:keys [execution-results
                                  executed-at from
                                  cmd from votes]}]
    "From user user "
    " at "
    (unix-epoch-to-human executed-at)]
   [:div "Received " votes " votes"]
   [:pre cmd]
   [:div "Output"]
   [:pre (str execution-results)]])
(defn $wrapper [req]
     {:style "color: grey; font-size: 14px;"}
     " aka \"Humanity Codes Clojure\""]]
    "Current server time: "
    (unix-epoch-to-human (:current-time @app-state))
    " (round " (:current-round @app-state) ")"]
    {:style "width: 50%; float: left;"}
    ($section-header "How LivingThing works")
     {:style "font-family: serif; max-width: 700px;"}
     {:style "width: 50%; float: right;"}
     ($pending-vote-list req)