
Install go-ipfs from npm as a dependency of your project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Install go-ipfs from npm as a dependency of your project

Dependency Status

Install the latest go-ipfs binary from http://dist.ipfs.io


npm install go-ipfs --save

See IPFS getting-started. If anything goes wrong, try using: http://ipfs.io/docs/install.


Warning: The binary gets put in the go-ipfs folder inside the module folder.

Which go-ipfs version this package downloads?

Can be specified in package.json with a field go-ipfs.version, eg:

"go-ipfs": {
  "version": "v0.4.5-pre1"

Using local IPFS daemon as the package download url

Can be specified in package.json with a field go-ipfs.version, eg:

"go-ipfs": {
  "version": "v0.4.5-pre1",
  "distUrl": "http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmSoNtqW22htkg9mtHWNBvZLUEmqfq8su7957meS1iQfeL"

Where QmSoNtqW22htkg9mtHWNBvZLUEmqfq8su7957meS1iQfeL is the root of the distributions web site.

Or when run with node src/bin.js, the dist url can be passed via an environment variable GO_IPFS_DIST_URL, eg:

GO_IPFS_DIST_URL=http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmSoNtqW22htkg9mtHWNBvZLUEmqfq8su7957meS1iQfeL node binsrc/bin.js


When used via node src/bin.js, you can specify the target platform, version and architecture via environment variables:


See: Supported Platforms for possible values.


See: Supported Versions for possible values.


See: Supported Architectures for possible values.

Or via command line arguments in the order of:

node src/bin.js <version> <platform> <architecture> <install directory>
node src/bin.js v0.4.5-pre1 linux amd64 ./go-ipfs


For programmatic usage, see https://github.com/haadcode/go-ipfs-dep/blob/master/src/index.js#L18