
A Python code to practise vocabulary from a foreign language

Primary LanguagePython

Python program to practice vocabulary from a foreign language.


This program is a simple vocabulary trainer. It reads a list of words from a file and asks the user to translate them. If the user enters the correct translation, the program will ask the next word. If the user enters an incorrect translation, the program will save the incorrect word and ask the user to translate it again in at the beginning of the next session.

The program is designed for a Spanish speaker to practice foreign languages. Current languages implemented:

  • English
  • French


  • Python 3

Installation and usage

Clone the repository and run the program with Python 3.

git clone git@github.com:victorballester7/vocabulary_trainer.git
cd vocabulary_trainer
chmod +x run.sh


You can add more words to the vocabulary by editing the vocab.txt file inside the corresponding language folder in the data folder. For that, you should use the following syntax:

type | word_1_1 (extra_info_1_1) word_1_2 (extra_info_1_2) ... word_1_n (extra_info_1_n1), word_2_1 (extra_info_2_1) word_2_2 (extra_info_2_2) ... word_2_n2 (extra_info_2_n3), ..., word_m_1 (extra_info_m_1) word_m_2 (extra_info_m_2) ... word_m_nm (extra_info_m_nm) | trans_word_1_1 (extra_info_1_1) trans_word_1_2 (extra_info_1_2) ...  trans_word_1_r1 (extra_info_1_r1), trans_word_2_1 (extra_info_2_1) trans_word_2_2 (extra_info_2_2) ... trans_word_2_r2 (extra_info_2_r2), ..., trans_word_s_1 (extra_info_s_1) trans_word_s_2 (extra_info_s_2) ... trans_word_s_rs (extra_info_s_rs)

where type is one of the following: noun, verb, adje, adve, ph-v, expr or prep and correspond respectively to noun, verb, adjective, adverb, phrasal verb, expression and preposition; word_i_j is the j-th word of the set i. trans_word_i_j is the j-th word of the translation set i, and extra_info_i_j is any extra information that you may want to add to the j-th word in order to help you to remember the word, but will not be affected by the program, i.e. you won't be asked to write it to get the word right.

An important thing to note is that you should not use commas (,) or pipes (|) inside the words or the extra information, as they are used to separate the different words and the different sets of words.

Here are some examples:

noun | fitness | forma física
ph-v | fall out (with sb) | enfadarse con, enfadarse
verb | submit | enviar, presentar (un documento / un plan...)
ph-v | get through (sth) (survive) | terminar, acabar, superar
ph-v | fill in (sth), fill (sth) in | rellenar, completar (un formulario...)


If you want to contribute to this project adding more languages or improving the code, feel free to open a pull request.