Hi there,
Call me Victor Beserra.
• Bachelor's in Information Systems
• FullStack Developer | PHP, Python & JavaScript;
• Investor;
• Graphic Designer;
• Audio-Visual Editor;
• IT Data Analytics & Cyber Security;

An eternal student seeking growth and improvement!

Below you can find some of my main projects.

Rafa-Js Rafa-HTML Rafa-CSS Rafa-Python Rafa-Csharp Rafa-pic

Snake animation

Main Projects


QuinzeConto is a digital services platform available to the public, aiming to facilitate the exchange of services between providers and customers.

With QuinzeConto, you can list various services, from photo editing to text translation, and more. The minimum price for each service is R$ 15.00 (fifteen Brazilian Reais), but it doesn't have to be limited to that amount.

For more details and information, please access the platform's information and policies section, clicking here.

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Click here for more about QuinzeConto!

Jusprovin System

The Jusprovin System is a people management system created for the company Jusprovin (JUSPROVIN ASSESSORIA EMPRESARIAL ONLINE LTDA).

The purpose of the system is to manage clients, potential clients, and employees of the company, focusing on ease of use and learning.

With this system, the company can add, edit, view, and delete employees and/or clients. It can also send billing orders by generating PHP-based invoices. Below is the system and its functions.

The system's layout was specified by the company itself.

Click here for more about the Jusprovin System!


The PHPSimple IDE aims to make it easier to develop and learn the PHP language.

Beginners in programming can learn and practice the language easily and intuitively without complications.

When using common PHP development methods, it can be confusing for new users in the field.

For example, developing using XAMPP along with Visual Studio can create confusion for beginners.

Click here for more about PHPSimple IDE!

WEBDEV Easy Creator - v4.0

The WebDev Easy Creator was created to facilitate the creation of HTML and PHP pages quickly and easily using the Windows Batch feature.

Click here for more about WebDev Easy Creator!

vBes WinControll - VBESwinc

The vBes Win Controll was created to provide some tools/features related to the Windows operating system.

In the current beta version, there's a Remote Access Trojan that allows the use of "CMD" commands on the other machine.

More features/tools coming soon.

Click here for more about vBes WinControll!

Easy C Debugger for Linux OS

The Easy C Debugger (ecd) was created to facilitate your debugging with C or C++ applications.!

Click here for more about Easy C/C++ Debugger!