Workshop content:
Understanding CSS 1.1. Basic concepts 1.2. Selectors 1.3. Default styles and reset
Box model 2.1. Understanding the box model 2.2. Margin and padding 2.3. Display 2.4. Border 2.5. Width and Height
Layout 3.1. Position and visibility 3.2. Floating elements 3.3. Flexbox 3.4. Creating a grid
Text 4.1. Web fonts 4.2. Text properties 4.3. Lists
Graphics and animations 5.1. Background 5.2. Gradients 5.3. Shadows 5.4. Transformations 5.5. Transitions 5.6. Animations
Responsive design 6.1. Introduction to RWD 6.2. Mobile First vs Desktop First 6.3. Media queries
SASS 7.1. Introduction to SASS