PHP Better Snippets 🇧🇷

Hi PHP Developers 👋!

This extension provides code snippets and boilerplates for PHP and Symfony framework, enabling you to code faster and be more productive.


The snippets follow the fluent interfaces and Type declarations standard.

PHP Snippets:

  • php: PHP open tag
  • phpc: PHP Class with namespace
  • phprc: Readonly PHP Class with namespace
  • phpfc: Final PHP Class with namespace
  • phpac: Abstract PHP Class with namespace
  • trait: PHP Trait with namespace
  • #: PHP Attribute
  • ex: New 'execute' function
  • __: PHP Constructor
  • inv: PHP __invoke function
  • service: New PHP Service with 'execute' method
  • set: Property Setter
  • get: Property Getter
  • sg: Getter and Setter
  • wget: Getter without 'get' prefix
  • wsg: Getter and Setter without 'get' prefix
  • fn: PHP anonymous function
  • fnc: PHP function
  • fnc: PHP function without visibility
  • st: PHP static function
  • prf: PHP private function
  • name: PHP Namespace
  • json: PHP jsonSerialize function
  • fname: Get current filename
  • is: PHP function to return boolean if is something
  • interface: New PHP interface
  • enum: PHP Enum
  • benum: PHP Backed Enum
  • pp: New PHP public property
  • pv: New PHP private property
  • pvr: New PHP private readonly property
  • pbr: Public readonly property
  • ?: PHP ternary conditional
  • c: New PHP Constant
  • c: New Typed PHP Constant
  • throw: PHP throw new Exception
  • phpex: New PHP exception class
  • $t: Access variable in $this ($this-><name>)
  • $t=: Assign to variable in $this ($this-><name> = </name>;)
  • *: Start multiline Comment (/** <your-code> **/)
  • pubf: PHP public function
  • privf: PHP private function
  • prof: PHP protected function
  • pubsf: PHP public static function
  • privsf: PHP private static function
  • prosf: PHP protected static function
  • apubf: PHP abstract public function
  • aprof: PHP abstract protected function
  • pubp: PHP public property
  • privp: PHP private property
  • prop: PHP protected property
  • pubrp: PHP public readonly property
  • privrp: PHP private readonly property
  • prorp: PHP protected readonly property
  • pubsp: PHP public static property
  • privsp: PHP private static property
  • prosp: PHP protected static property
  • pubtest: PHP public function test (for unit tests)
  • class: PHP class
  • rclass: Readonly PHP Class
  • fclass: Final PHP Class
  • abclass: Abstract PHP Class

Symfony Snippets:

  • controller: Symfony Controller (annotations)
  • controller: Symfony Controller and return Json (attributes)
  • controllerJson: Symfony Controller and return Json (annotations)
  • controllerJson: Symfony Controller and return Json (attributes)
  • route: Symfony Route (attributes)
  • route: Symfony Route (annotations)
  • form: Symfony Form file
  • ormRepo: Symfony Doctrine ORM repository
  • orm: Import Doctrine ORM Mapping class
  • ormEntity: Symfony Doctrine ORM Entity class (annotations)
  • ormEntity: Symfony Doctrine ORM Entity class (attributes)
  • ormCol: Symfony Doctrine ORM Column (annotations)
  • ormCol: Symfony Doctrine ORM Column (attributes)
  • ormId: Symfony Doctrine ORM Id Column (annotations)
  • ormId: Symfony Doctrine ORM Id Column (attributes)
  • ormManyTo: Symfony Doctrine ORM Many To[One|Many] Relation (annotations)
  • ormManyTo: Symfony Doctrine ORM Many To[One|Many] Relation (attributes)
  • ormOneTo: Symfony Doctrine ORM One To[One|Many] Relation (annotations)
  • ormOneTo: Symfony Doctrine ORM One To[One|Many] Relation (attributes)
  • ormJoinCol: Symfony Doctrine ORM Relation Join Column (annotations)
  • ormJoinCol: Symfony Doctrine ORM Relation Join Column (attributes)
  • test: PHPUnit Test class
  • normalizer: Symfony Custom Normalizer Class (Symfony ^6.*)
  • normalizer: Symfony Custom Normalizer Class (Symfony old versions)
  • denormalizer: Symfony Custom Denormalizer Class (Symfony ^6.4)
  • denormalizer: Symfony Custom Denormalizer Class (Symfony old versions)
  • command: Symfony Console Command (Symfony ^6.4)
  • command: Symfony Console Command (Symfony from 5.X to 6.3)
  • command: Symfony Console Command (Symfony old versions)
  • embedded: Embedded (annotations)
  • embedded: Embedded (attributes)
  • embeddable: Embeddable (annotations)
  • embeddable: Embeddable (attributes)
  • dd: dd (alternative to dd function with dump and die)

About namespace generation:

The namespace was generated based on the current file directory, considering files in "src", "test", "tests", and "testes"

Example: your file is src/App/Company/Services/CreateAnUserService.php -> namespace App\Company\Services;

If your composer.json has a namespace prefix defined that differs from the folder structure, remember to adjust the generated namespace.

Release notes:

See ./

Contribution guide:

See ./

By PHP Developer for PHP Developers 🐘