
This repository contains a few different implementations of LP solvers, including Simplex with several pivot rules, Interior Point Methods, and the Ellipsoid Algorithm.

Primary LanguageC++

LP Solving Benchmarks

This repository contains a few different implementations of LP solvers, including Simplex with several pivot rules, Interior Point Methods, and the Ellipsoid Algorithm. Benchmarks will be performed in the future.

Building Instructions

The following instructions are for Mac OS X. There is no guarantee that this will work on Linux environments (but there is no particular reasons why it shouldn't).

To build, you will need CMake. This can be installed easily via brew or apt-get.

Once you have that, the following commands should work:

mkdir Debug cd Debug cmake .. make

This will generate the lpsolver file on the Debug directory. The reason why we force a Debug compilation is simply because FLENS has code that is a bit older, and compilers will get annoyed in the Release option.

  • If you want to run without printing the tableaus and debugging information, simply edit the CMakeLists.txt file and remove the definition -DDEBUG.

Once that works, you can run the lpsolver as follows. In the Debug subdirectory,

./lpsolver [opt: bland/dantzig/random] <filename>

which will output the solution to the linear program specified by filename, an MPS file. (If the file is invalid, the code will assert; this has yet to be fixed.)

A few examples of tests that are run can be found in tests. For instance, running

./lpsolver dantzig ../tests/slide.mps

should give you back the maximum of 17, at the vector (1, 2, 0). The order of the results printed out is the order in which the variables appear in the MPS file.

You may find a few tests available in /src/tests. Most tests will likely hang the simplex solver, mostly because of the lack of support for sparse matrices in our current implementation. Smaller tests, such as afiro.mps, small.mps and slide.mps will work, though. There are also some imprecisions in computation, and that is likely due to FLENS problems. (In the end, I think I should not have used FLENS and just stuck with Numpy or something simpler, but oh well...)

Installing FLENS

All you have to do to install FLENS is to do

git clone git://github.com/michael-lehn/FLENS.git

inside the src folder.


The benchmarks present in the paper were performed using GLPK and lpsolve. Both of these tools are freely available online in the links below:



On a Mac, you can easily install these via brew commands.