Zutterman Landing Page


About ❔

Challenge 2 was to implement the zutterman landing page following the following layout provided https://www.figma.com/file/GTEyrXtVtgSDeiocLk7KzCFf/layout-teste-avaliacao

Deployment 🚀


Features ✅

  • Layout implemented

How to run 🏃‍♀️💨

# Clone this repository in another folder
$ git clone https://github.com/victordurco/calindra-desafio-2

# Access the project folder cmd/terminal
$ cd calindra-desafio-2

# Install the dependencies
$ npm i

# Compile the code
$ npm run build

# Run the application
$ npm start

# The server will automatically start at localhost:3000/ on your favorite browser

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