StackOverflow API

About 🕹️

An API made for you to share your programming questions and get help from colleagues

Documentation 🧾

Create your user

POST /users

Possible response status

- 400: You have sent a invalid body, check your params
- 200: Success

What you will receive from this route

        token: uuid,

Create a question

POST /questions

Expected body

  question: String, at least 10 characters, maximum 220 characters
  userToken: String, is the token given on creating a user
  tags: String, at least 2 characters, maximum 220 characters

Possible response status

- 400: You have sent a invalid body, check your params
- 401: You have not sent your token or your token is invalid
- 404: The user was not found
- 200: Success

What you will receive from this route

        id: questionId,

Answer a question

POST /questions/:questionId

Expected body

  answer: String, at least 10 characters, maximum 220 characters

Possible response status

- 400: You have sent a invalid body
- 401: You have not sent your token or your token is invalid
- 400: The question is already answered
- 404: The question was not found
- 200: Success

Get a question

GET /questions/questionId

Possible response status

- 400: Invalid
- 404: Question not found
- 200: Success

What you will receive from this route

  "question": question,
  "student": studentName,
  "class": studentClass
  "tags": tags,
  "answered": Boolean,
  "submitAt": submitionDate,
  "answeredAt": answerDate,
  "answeredBy": answerUserToken,
  "asnwer": asnwer,

Get all unanswered questions

GET /questions

What you will receive from this route

    "question": question,
    "student": studentName,
    "class": studentClass
    "tags": tags,
    "answered": Boolean,
    "submitAt": submitionDate,

How to run in your machine 🖥️

git clone
cd full-stack-overflow-developer
npm i --force

Create a file and fill it using your environment variables following the example at .env.example file

In your terminal

sudo su postgres
CREATE DATABASE your_db_name
\c your_db_name

Copy everything in the DATABASE.sql file and paste on the terminal
You can not exit the postgres admin, and run

npm start

🧰 Tech Stack

typescript postgres nodejs expressjs