
Simple pong HTML5 game (based in ecmascript 6) with socket.io support (for multiplayer)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PONG (HTML5 + Ecmascript 6) game

State: Under Development

This is my first game based in HTML5 (using canvas) and ECMAScript 6. Dependency: Node.js.

Install dependencies

Install Node.js (https://nodejs.org/en/). After have the Node.js installed in your machine, run this command:

$ npm install

Build Pong game

As the actual browsers don't support the new version of the javascript, it is necessary to use a procedure to "compile" the ECMAscript 6 code to the version of javascript which browsers use. So, after install the dependencies run the following command, in order to "compile" code:

$ npm run build

Play pong

$ npm start

Go to chrome/firefox/safari/etc and navigate to http://localhost:8080/

Any question?

Send me an e-mail to victorfern91@gmail.com.