
A simple and fast Oh-My-Zsh theme

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A Simple and fast Oh-My-Zsh theme, based on Pure's design.

Guri Screenshot


This theme requires Oh-My-Zsh with Zsh version 5.1.1 or higher.

Download the file and save it to $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/ (by default ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/):

curl -o $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/guri.zsh-theme https://raw.githubusercontent.com/victorfsf/guri/master/guri.zsh-theme

Then, update the ZSH_THEME variable in your ~/.zshrc:


And reload your shell:

. ~/.zshrc

Font & Colors

To get the same font and colors used on the screenshot, use the configurations described bellow.

PS: This theme also looks pretty good with the Nord palette!


Install the Fira Mono for Powerline and set it with style: Medium.


Download the ZSH Syntax Highlighting plugin for... Syntax highlighting your shell.

Background: #282a36 #282a36
Foreground: #eff0eb #eff0eb
Black: #282a36 #282a36
Red: #ff5c57 #ff5c57
Green: #5af78e #5af78e
Yellow: #f3f99d #f3f99d
Blue: #57c7ff #57c7ff
Magenta: #ff6ac1 #ff6ac1
Cyan: #9aedfe #9aedfe
White: #f1f1f0 #f1f1f0
Dark Gray: #686868 #686868
Dark Red: #ff5c57 #ff5c57
Dark Green: #5af78e #5af78e
Dark Yellow: #f3f99d #f3f99d
Dark Blue: #57c7ff #57c7ff
Dark Magenta: #ff6ac1 #ff6ac1
Dark Cyan: #9aedfe #9aedfe
Light Gray: #eff0eb #eff0eb