Broadband Tender Demo

Build Status

The broadband tender demo application was developed during a weekend hackathon to provide an insight into code base, architecture approach and project setup for the Deutsche Telekom.

This application is not run or developed by the Deutsche Telekom !


The primary purpose of this demo, is to showcase a well structured and organized test scenario with the following aspects in mind:

  • Providing a REST API
  • Built in Role Managment
  • Process flow for Creating, Reading, Writing and Deleting broadband tenders
  • Log File Managment
  • Health Status Endpoint for system monitoring
  • Seed data generation to provide a initial demo set of data
  • Responsive and reactive UI
  • Easy deployment via a Docker Container on MS Azure
  • Thorough test coverage via Unit- & Integrationtests


  • Admin (is allowed to access everything and to configure the server)
  • WebserviceUser (is allowed to access the api)
  • Key Account Manager (is allowed to access the UI)


Tech Stack

Broadband Tender Demo uses a number of technologies to work properly:

  • Java
  • Flyway - For Database Migration
  • Lombok - Reduces Boilerplate Code
  • Spring Boot - Reduces Boilerplate Code and helps setting up a App Quickly
  • Rest
  • Azure Cloud - Database and App Hosting with Docker
  • Docker - Lightweight Container Solution for the Deployment
  • Gradle - Build Tool for this Project
  • mssql - Azure Cloud Database
  • H2 - Embedded Database for local Development
  • JPA/Hibernate - Database Access Layer
  • Azure Cli - Infrastructure as Code for setting up the Infrastructure automated and to have a history of changes

IDE Installation

Broadband Tender Demo requires for developing the following Tools:

  • Java 1.8 (Because Azure Web App currently just accepts Java 1.8 and nothing higher)
  • Gradle
  • Azure Cloud if you dont want to use H2

I would also recommend to use the following Technologies/Tooles:

  • Linux or MacOS System
  • Intellij
  • Docker
  • sdkmann for Java and Gradle Installation

These are the Steps for the Setup

$ curl -s "" | bash
$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
$ sdk install java 8.0.181-oracle
# Test Java Version
$ java -version
$ sdk install gradle
# Test Gradle Version
$ gradle -version

Download and install Intellij and Docker Last step is checkout the Project and mark the project as a gradle project


Broadband Tender Demo is very easy to install and deploy in a Docker container. First login into the private docker repository

# Replace privateRepository with your Repository
$ docker login privateRepository

Now build the Container with Intellij or console Intellij: N|Solid console

$ gradle clean dockerPush

Now you have build the whole project (Front and Backend) and pushed the docker image to the repository

To start the container with a h2 database execute the following command:

# Replace privateRepository with your Repository
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=victor privateRepository/broadband-tender-demo

Broadband Tender Demo is now available under port 8080

Architecture Setup

  • parent - contains general server things like security, configuration and system tests
  • tender-model - contains the model for the application (Entitys)
  • tender-service - contains services for the calculation and transformation of masterdata informations
  • tender-seed - contains all items regarding seed dummy test data like price masterdata or projects


  • Systemtests
    • ServerSecurity (Validates the acces permissions for the roles KeyAccountManager, Admin and WebserviceUser)
  • Integrationtests
    • Seed (Validates all the informations from the seed service)
  • Unittests
    • PriceCalculation (Validates the results from the calculationservice and checks how it behaves with unexpected values)


  • Write More Tests
  • More Clean Code and Clean Archticture
  • Jira Tickets
  • Commit Messages with Jira Ticket Numbers
  • ...