
Datasets used and results obtained for a submitted article on Information Sciences

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Datasets and results obtained for a submitted article on Information Sciences.

Structure of the repository

The repository is separated into four different directories: datasets, folds, results_exp1, results_exp2. Next, we describe how to access their content.


The datasets directory contains all datasets used on the experiments on arff format. They are all binary classification datasets. To read the Australian.arff dataset in an R environment, for example, you can use the following code:

dataset = read.arff("datasets/Australian.arff")


The directory folds contains all folds of each dataset, considering a 30 x 5-fold cross-validation. The files are a list in R, and the first indice represents the iteration, while the second indice represents one fold. In an R environment, you can use the following code to read a fold file and build the first train and test set of the first iteration.

# Reading the folds for Australian dataset
folds = dget("folds/Australian.arff.folds")

# Getting the indices of the test set for the first fold of the first iteration 
test_indices = folds[[1]][[1]]

# Getting the indices of the train set for the first fold of the first iteration 
train_indices = base::c(folds[[1]][[2]], folds[[1]][[3]], folds[[1]][[4]], folds[[1]][[5]])

testset = dataset[test_indices,]
trainset = dataset[train_indices,]

Results of the experiment 1

The results_exp1 directory contains all results on the arff format for each dataset, considering the first experiment in the paper. Each line represents a fold and iteration, and each column represents a data complexity on the training set or a predictive performance of a classification algorithm.

# Reading the results of the first experiment for the Australian dataset
result = read.arff("results_exp1/datacomplexitymeasures/Australian.arff")

# Getting the value of N3 measure for the minority class for all folds and iterations

# Getting the gmean performance of SVM classifier with radial kernel, cost 1, and gamma 1 on all folds and iterations 

For a summary of these results, please check this table

Results of the experiment 2

The results_exp2 directory contains all results on the arff format for each dataset, considering the second experiment in the paper. Each line represents a fold and iteration, and each column represents a data complexity on the training set or a predictive performance of a classification algorithm after applying a preprocessing technique.

# Reading the results of the first experiment for the acute-inflammations dataset
result = read.arff("results_exp2/analcatdata_apnea2.arff")

# Getting the value of N3 measure for the minority class for all folds and iterations after applying SMOTE

# Getting the gmean performance of SVM classifier on all folds and iterations after applying SMOTE

For a summary of these results, please check this table