array.rb * playing with array in ruby
- uniq function
- hex.to_s(2) hex to binary function & gsub function with hash as second argument
- toeplitz matrix array
- count array values split by comas
- loop vs inject
jstackprocstate.rb * using piped shell commands with open3
sort.rb * sort algorithms
- Bubble sort : O(n^2) Adaptive: O(n) when nearly sorted
- Selection sort: Θ(n^2) Not adaptive
- Insertion sort: O(n^2) Adaptive: O(n) when nearly sorted
- Heap sort : O(n·log(n)) Seudo Adaptive
- Merge sort : O(n·log(n))
- Bucket sort : O(n)
search.rb * search algorithms
- linearsearh
- binarysearch
recursion.rb * recursive approach examples
- fibonacci
- factorial
- towerofhanoi