Private Blockchain Application

You are starting your journey as a Blockchain Developer, this project allows you to demonstrate that you are familiarized with the fundamentals concepts of a Blockchain platform. Concepts like:

  • Block
  • Blockchain
  • Wallet
  • Blockchain Identity
  • Proof of Existance

How to test application functionalities?

To test application I recommend you to use POSTMAN, this tool will help you to make the requests to the API.

  1. Run your application using the command node app.js You should see in your terminal a message indicating that the server is listening in port 8000:

Server Listening for port: 8000

  1. To make sure your application is working fine and it creates the Genesis Block you can use POSTMAN to request the Genesis block: Request: http://localhost:8000/block/0
  2. Make your first request of ownership sending your wallet address: Request: http://localhost:8000/requestValidation
  3. Sign the message with your Wallet: Use the Wallet to sign a message
  4. Submit your Star Request: http://localhost:8000/submitstar
  5. Retrieve Stars owned by me Request: http://localhost:8000/blocks/<WALLET_ADDRESS>
  6. Retrieve block by hash GET Request: http://localhost:8000/block-by-hash/:block-hash
  7. Validate blockchain GET Request: http://localhost:8000/chaincheck