
An Xcode color scheme based on Nova Colors and Base16 Eighties

MIT LicenseMIT

Nova-Base16.eighties Xcode Color Scheme

An Xcode color scheme based on Nova Colors and Base16 Eighties


This color scheme is inspired on the color palette of Nova Colors and base16-eighties dark

Feel free to contribute to improve this "Pastel" style that let your eyes don't suffer when coding for long periods of time.

For a better experience I recommend using SourceCode Pro Ligth font.


Should work with versions of Xcode 7 or newer.


cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes
git clone https://github.com/victorhugo/nova-base16-eighties-theme.git NovaEighties
ln -s NovaEighties/* ./

Close and open Xcode for see the theme.


cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/FontAndColorThemes/NovaEighties
git pull

Happy coding!