1997 |
Eric Steven Raymond |
The Cathedral and the Bazaar |
3930 |
Open |
www.unterstein.net |
2001 |
D.M. Nichols, K.Thomson and S.A.Yeates |
Usability and open-source software development |
42 |
Paid |
acm.org |
2002 |
N.Frishberg,A.M. Dirks, C.Benson, S. Nickell, S. Smith |
Getting to know you: open source development meets usability |
44 |
Open |
researchgate.net |
2002 |
Peter Trudelle |
Shall We Dance? Ten Lessons Learned from Netscape's Flirtation with Open Source UI Development |
16 |
Open |
iol.ie |
2003 |
D.M. Nichols, M.B Twidale |
The Usability of Open Source Software |
249 |
Open |
firstmonday.org |
2004 |
C Benson, M Muller-Prove, J Mzourek |
Professional Usability in Open Source Projects: GNOME, OpenOffice.org, NetBeans |
78 |
Paid |
acm.org |
2005 |
E. Golden, B. E. John, L. Bass |
The Value of a Usability-Supporting Architectural Pattern in Software Architecture Design: A Controlled Experiment |
45 |
Open |
cmu.edu |
2006 |
M. S. Andreasen, H.V. Nielsen, S.O. Schrøder, J. Stage |
Usability In Open Source Software Development: Opinions And Practice |
44 |
Open |
itc.ktu.lt |
2006 |
Reitmayr, E., Balazs, B., Mühlig, J. |
Integrating Usability with Open Source Software Development: Case Studies from the Initiative OpenUsability |
5 |
Open |
psu.edu |
2007 |
Mark Aberdour |
Achieving Quality in Open Source Software |
141 |
Paid |
acm.org |
2007 |
N. Viorres, P. Xenofon, M. Stavrakis, E. Vlachogiannis, P. Koutsabasis, J. Darzentas |
Major HCI Challenges for Open Source Software Adoption and Development |
24 |
Open |
researchgate.net |
2007 |
M. Bødker, L. Nielsen, R.N. Orngreen |
Enabling User Centered Design Processes in Open Source Communities |
23 |
Open |
researchgate.net |
2007 |
G.Çetin, D.Verzulli, S.Frings |
An Analysis of Involvement of HCI Experts in Distributed Software Development: Practical Issues |
31 |
Open |
researchgate.net |
2008 |
Matthew Paul Thomas |
Why Free Software has poor usability, and how to improve it |
7 |
Open |
web.archive.org |
2009 |
H.Hedberg and N.Iivari |
Integrating HCI Specialists into Open Source Software Development Projects |
14 |
Open |
springer.com |
2009 |
Paula M. Bach |
Supporting the user experience in free/libre/open source software development |
4 |
Open |
psu.edu |
2009 |
Paula M. Bach, R.DeLine, and J.M. Carroll |
Designers wanted: participation and the user experience in open source software development |
32 |
Paid |
acm.org |
2009 |
Paula M. Bach and John M. Carroll |
FLOSS UX Design:An Analysis of User Experience Design in Firefox and OpenOffice.org |
13 |
Open |
http://flosshub.org/ |
2010 |
Paula M. Bach, M.Twidale |
Social Participation in Open Source: What it Means for Designers |
8 |
Paid |
acm.org |
2010 |
A.Raza and L.F.Capretz |
Contributors' preference in open source software usability: An empirical study |
6 |
Open |
Cornell Uni Library |
2012 |
A.Raza and L.F.Capretz |
Do open source software developers listen to their users |
4 |
Open |
researchgate.net |
2013 |
M.Rajanen and N.Iivary |
Open Source and Human Computer Interaction Philosophies in Open Source Projects: Incompatible or Co-Existent? |
4 |
Open |
oulu.fi |
2013 |
Benjamin M. Hill and Andrés Monroy-Hernández |
The cost of collaboration for code and art: evidence from a remixing community |
14 |
Open |
arxiv.org |
2015 |
M.Rajanen, N.Iivari and A.Lanamäki |
Non-response, Social Exclusion, and False Acceptance: Gatekeeping Tactics and Usability Work in Free-Libre Open Source Software Development |
3 |
Open |
oulu.fi |
2015 |
M.Rajanen and N.Iivary |
Examining Usability Work and Culture in FOSS |
1 |
Open |
oulu.fi |
2015 |
Mikko Rajanen & Netta Iivari |
Power, Empowerment and Open Source Usability |
4 |
Paid |
dl.acm.org |
2015 |
Michelle W. Purcell |
Technology-In-Practice and its Influence on User Involvement in OSS 2.0 Projects |
0 |
Open |
ideals.illinois.edu |
2016 |
Lisa Haskel, Paula Graham |
Whats GNU got to do with it?: participatory design, infrastructuring and free/open source software |
9 ('23) |
Paid |
acm.org |
2018 |
Jinghui Cheng, Jin L.C. Guo |
How Do the Open Source Communities Address Usability and UX Issues? An Exploratory Study |
19 ('23) |
open |
acm.org |