
Code repository to accompany the SMT-based Dynamic MRTA submission to NFM 2024

Primary LanguageSMT


This repository implements the approach from the NFM 2024 paper "SMT-Based Dynamic Multi-Robot Task Allocation". Please see below for instructions for installation and how to run the software.


To install the necessary requirements for this project, enter the following:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The Bitwuzla Python API is also required to use Bitwuzla as the underlying SMT solver. Check out the above link for installation instructions.


The implementation supports the following options:

$ python3 src/MRTASolver.py --help
usage: MRTASolver.py [-h] --file FILE [--solver {bitwuzla,z3,cvc5}] [--theory {QF_UFBV,QF_UFLIA}] [--capacity CAPACITY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--num_aps NUM_APS]
                     [--export EXPORT] [--incremental] [--verbose] [--fidelity FIDELITY] [--deadline DEADLINE] [--keep_aps]

SMT-based approach to solve the multirobot task allocation (MRTA) problem.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE, -f FILE  Path to the file containing the MRTA problem instance.
  --solver {bitwuzla,z3,cvc5}, -s {bitwuzla,z3,cvc5}
                        Solver to be used to solve the problem.
  --theory {QF_UFBV,QF_UFLIA}, -th {QF_UFBV,QF_UFLIA}
                        Theory to be used to solve the problem.
  --capacity CAPACITY, -c CAPACITY
                        Capacity of the robots.
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout in seconds.
  --num_aps NUM_APS, -n NUM_APS
                        Number of action points to be used. Default minimum possible used.
  --export EXPORT, -e EXPORT
                        Basename for exported smt file.
  --incremental, -i     Use incremental solving.
  --verbose, -v         Prints more information.
  --fidelity FIDELITY, -fi FIDELITY
                        Fidelity of travel time.
  --deadline DEADLINE, -d DEADLINE
                        Default deadline for tasks.
  --keep_aps            Keep previously allocated action points.

Only the --file flag is required. The file describes the how tasks arrive and should be in the json format. Examples of such are stored in the config directories under the benchmark.

An example of running a specific setting would be:

python3 src/MRTASolver.py -f benchmark/single/config/t_20_a_10_d_5-0.json

To run SMT files directly, please download z3 and Bitwuzla binaries from their respective repositories. SMT files are stored under the benchmark directory.