
Translation / Localisation framework for Wagtail CMS. IN DEVELOPMENT

Primary LanguagePython

Wagtail localize

Installation and setup

Install with pip:

pip install wagtail-localize

Settings modifications

Add wagtail_localize and any optional sub modules to INSTALLED_APPS in settings/base.py:


Also remove the following from INSTALLED_APPS:


Add the following to MIDDLEWARE:


and disable:


Ensure your settings file has:

LANGUAGE_CODE = "en-gb"  # Or your preferred default language
USE_I18N = True

Add to following to your settings specifying any languages you would like to translate:

    ("en", "English"),
    ("fr", "French"),

URL configuration

The following additions need to be made to ./yoursite/urls.py

from django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns

urlpatterns += i18n_patterns(
    url(r"^search/$", search_views.search, name="search"),
    url(r"", include(wagtail_urls)),

Enabling Wagtail-localize within a new site

Wagtail-localize provides classes wich page models should extend if they are to be translatable. This will be different if you are enabling translation on an existing site with pages, or a new site.


Returns the translation of the page that should be used to route the specified request.


The base class for providing attributes needed to store translation mapping values:

  • translation_key - A UUID that is shared between all translations of the same object/page
  • locale - A foreign key to the wagtail_localize.Locale table which could represent a language or language/region
  • is_source_translation - A boolean field that is True if this object is the translation source for objects with the same translation_key

This adds the following methods to the model:

  • get_translations(inclusive=False) - Returns a QuerySet of translations of this object. This object will be excluded from that QuerySet unless inclusive is set to True
  • get_translation(locale) - Returns the translated version of the object in that target locale. Raises Model.DoesNotExist if the object hasn't been translated into the that target locale
  • get_translation_or_none(locale) - Similar to get_translation(locale) except it returns None if the object hasn't been translated into the that target locale
  • has_translation(locale) - Returns True if the object has been translated into the target locale
  • copy_for_translation(locale) - Makes a copy of the object with the locale field of the new object set to the target locale


A specialised version of TranslatableMixin to be used on page models. It has the following differences:

  • The copy_for_translation method will create the new page underneath the translation of the parent page (for example, if a page in the English "News" section is copied for translation into German, the new page will be automatically created under the "Nachrichten" section in the German site tree)

  • The copy method has been overridden to change the translation_key field. This method is called from the regular page copy action in the admin, it effectively creates a new page so the translation_key needs to be given a new value.


A version of TranslatableMixin/TranslatablePageMixin without uniqueness constraints. This is to make it easy to transition existing models to being translatable. This is only used for generating the correct migrations in order to set the translation_key field uniquely for existing content.

1. Enabling on a new site

The homepage should extend both TranslatablePageMixin and TranslatablePageRoutingMixin

from wagtail_localize.models import TranslatablePageMixin, TranslatablePageRoutingMixin

class HomePage(TranslatablePageRoutingMixin, TranslatablePageMixin, Page):

Then each page model that requires translation should extend TranslatablePageMixin:

from wagtail_localize.models import TranslatablePageMixin

class ArticlePage(TranslatablePageMixin, SocialFields, ListingFields, Page):

2. Enabling on an existing site with page data

The process is as follows:

  • Add BootstrapTranslatableMixin to your page models
  • Run django-admin makemigrations
  • Create a data migration for each app, then use the BootstrapTranslatableModel operation in wagtail_localize.bootstrap on each model in that app
  • Change BootstrapTranslatableMixin to TranslatableMixin (or TranslatablePageMixin, if it's a page model)
  • Run django-admin makemigrations again

Synchronising languages

wagtail_localize stores the list of available languages in the database. To populate this to have the same values as is in the LANGUAGES Django setting, you must run the following command:

python manage.py sync_languages


Optional modules

description of submodules 'wagtail_localize.admin.workflow', 'wagtail_localize.translation', 'wagtail_localize.translation.engines.google_translate',

Translating snippets