
A little portfolio of some coding work that I've done.

Primary LanguagePython


A little portfolio of some coding I've done.

Ants vs. Some Bees


A spinoff of "Plants vs. Zombies" written in Python (mostly ants.py). Partner project with Shuochen Huang for CS 61A.

####To run:#### Prerequisites: Have some version of Python3 installed.

python3 ants_gui.py

For text-based version: python3 ants.py

A Simple Enigma


A replica of the Enigma encryption/decryption machine used in World War II written in Java. Individual project for Hilfinger's CS 61B.

####To run:#### Prerequisites: Have some version of the Java SDK installed.

java enigma.Main < INPUT-FILE > OUTPUT-FILE

(input and output files optional)

Connect N AI with MapReduce


An AI to solve for the most effective moves to win a game of Connect N using minimax game trees, written in Java and using MapReduce with the Hadoop framework. Partner project with Maryam Labib for Garcia's CS 61C.

####To run:#### Prerequisites: Have some version of the Java SDK, Python, and the Hadoop framework installed. Hadoop files are included in the lib directory.


make proj2 WIDTH=n HEIGHT=m CONNECT=i

including the all-caps, where WIDTH is the width of the board, HEIGHT is the height of the board, and CONNECT is the number of pieces for a connect/win.

python TUI.py w h c

where w is the board width, h is the board height, and c is the number of pieces for a connect/win.

Taken down temporarily - please email me if you'd like to see this!

Eigenvector Finding


Optimized code to find eigenvectors to matrices from ~1 GFlop/sec to ~30+ GFlop/sec. Individual project for CS 61C.

####To run:#### Prerequisites: Have some version of C installed.
