
Implementation of Population Based Training

Primary LanguagePython


Population Based Training (PBT)

Implementation of the paper Jaderberg et al. "Population Based Training of Neural Networks" (DeepMind). PBT is an automatic method for finding a schedule of hyperparameter settings rather than a single fixed set of hyperparameters. A defined number of workers are initialized randomly and are trained in parallel for a certain number of epochs, after which tests are performed. 20% of workers with best performance are selected and their weights and hyperparameters are copied to the worst 20% of workers and they are multiplied by a random mutation factor. There is a defined number of such training sessions.

Here PBT is applied to training an mnist classifier.


  • Python 3
  • PyTorch 1.0

Training and testing were performed on Ununtu 16.04, Cuda 8.0 and two 1080Ti GPUs.



  • Clone the code
git clone https://github.com/victoriamazo/pbt.git
  • Download mnist dataset
  • Download a pretrained fully connected model here
  • Download a pretrained convolutional model here
  • Download a pretrained fully connected model trained with PBT here
  • Download a pretrained convolutional model trained with PTB here


For a vanilla (without PBT) training and/or testing edit the config file (config/fc.json for a fully-connected and config/conv.json for a convolutional network, all configuration parameters are explained in "config/config_params.md") and run

  • training and testing as parallel threads
python3 main.py config/conv.json 
  • testing
python3 main.py config/conv.json -m test
  • training
python3 main.py config/conv.json -m train

When running test it is recommended that args_test.json file is in a training directory, since arguments are uploaded from the file.


For a PBT training and testing edit the corresponding config file (config/fc_PBT.json for a fully-connected and config/conv_PBT.json for a convolutional network) and run

  • training and testing as parallel threads
python3 main_PBT.py config/conv_PBT.json 
  • testing
python3 main_PBT.py config/conv_PBT.json -m test


In the example of PBT hyperparameter search below (convolutional network) the search started with random initial parameters (learning rate and keep dropout probability). Workers were trained for 50 epochs and after each epoch tests were performed. At the last epoch almost all workers reached highest test accuracy. An interesting conclusion is that the best learning rate is around 0.001 and dropout probability value does not really matter.

This is an example of a learning rate schedule (of one worker) vs. epochs. alt-text-2