Python implementation of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) that evaluates ionospheric parameters and electron density on the entire given global grid and for the entire day simultaneously.
- aburrellNaval Research Laboratory
- AlecThomsonCSIRO
- amanchokshiUniversity of Melbourne
- anielsen001Dayton, O
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- b-maletckii@IPGP
- breid-phys
- FearlessWu
- iMurfyDGreenbelt, MD
- JayLagoSan Diego, CA, USA
- jnthekICRAR-Curtin, WA
- KCollins
- kevincoggins
- sabrinastronomyUniversity of Melbourne
- sonysuchenNational Institute for Space Research (INPE)
- spikeYYan
- sw9788
- tscrwfrd@lanl-ansi @rs21io
- vbidulaMcGill University
- victoriyaforsytheNRL