WAX ExpressTrade API for Node.js

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Powerful async/await based Node.js implementation of OPSkins WAX ExpressTrade.

Stop wasting time on coding endpoint communication, event polling and bothering with two factor authentication - just pass your api key with secret and use methods out-of-the-box.


npm i wax-expresstrade --save


🔄 We base on official implementation - it means, that interfaces, methods and responses are identically named as in documentation. E.g. IUser/GetInventory refers to API.IUser.GetInventory() method.

🚀 The entire module is async/await friendly - so you do not need to worry about promisifying or callback hell.

✨ All trade-offers updates are emitted as event, which makes catching changes unbelievably easy! E.g. API.on('OfferChanged', offer => console.log(offer))

🔥 Two-Factor authentication? Naah! wax-expresstrade handles all this stuff with no additional configuration, just pass twoFactorSecret and... that's all!


const ExpressTrade = require('wax-expresstrade')

// First, initialize our module
const API = new ExpressTrade({
  apiKey: 'OPSkins API Key goes here',
  twoFactorSecret: 'Secret from opskins mobile auth goes here',
  pollInterval: 3000 // Optional, but just set this one value and module will handle all offers updates automatically!

// It's ready to use, wasn't it simple?
const appId = 1 // VGO

const mySkins = await API.IUser.GetInventory({ appId })
const anotherOneSkins = await API.ITrade.GetUserInventory({ uid: 72789, appId })

console.log(`You have ${mySkins.items.length} skins and your friend has got ${anotherOneSkins.items.length} ones!`)


Basically, there is no need to re-define available methods. Take a look into documentation, look for module (e.g. IItem) and method (e.g. GetItems)

Execute node code with const items = await API.IItem.GetItems({ skuFilter: [10, 20, 25, 40] })


IMPORTANT: You need to set pollInterval value in milliseconds (min. 1000) to make module emit events!

Intercepting events is really easy, take a look:

const API = ... // ExpressTrade initialization is described above in "Usage" section

API.on('OfferChanged', offer => {
	console.log(`Offer #${offer.id} changed its state to ${offer.state}!`)
	console.log(`That offer was sent by ${offer.sent_by_you ? 'you' : 'someone else'}`)


Emitted alongside with state-changed events of offers, which have been already created (e.g. OfferAccepted, OfferDeclined, but not OfferSent/OfferReceived).


Emitted when we successfully send an offer.


Emitted when we receive new offer.


Emitted when we successfully accept an offer.


Emitted when an offer expires.


Emitted when an offer gets cancelled.


Emitted when an offer gets declined.


Emitted when an offer expires.


Emitted when the case offer gets pending state.


Emitted when the case offer expires.


Emitted when the case offer fails.