Project code for Udacity's AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program. In this project, students first develop code for an image classifier built with PyTorch, then convert it into a command line application.
REQUIREMENTS Python version: 3.8.6 All packages are inside requirements.txt file. To install them follow the instructions below:
1st - navigate to this project main folder.
2nd - Install all requirements using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
USAGE PREDICTION Basic usage: python PATH_TO_IMAGE PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT You can use relative or absolute paths to the image and to the checkpoint. Options: Set the top number of probabilities shown: --top_k 5 Default: 5 Define a path to a json dictionary to category names: --category_names some_file.json Default: cat_to_name.json This option can receive a relative or absolute path. Use GPU for inference: --gpu true Default: False
python flowers\valid\7\image_07216.jpg checkpoints\vgg16.pth --top_k 3
Basic usage: python data_directory
Prints out training loss, validation loss, and validation accuracy as the network trains
!IMPORTANT - Your data directory must have the following structure:
Set directory to save checkpoints:
--save_dir save_directory
Default: checkpoint.pth
This option needs to receive an path/file using .pth extension. The folder need to exists, otherwise the trainning won`t be saved!
Choose a network architecture:
--arch "vgg16"
Default: vgg16
You can see all the available architetures on
Set the network learning rate:
--learning_rate 0.001
Default: 0.001
Set the network hidden units number:
--hidden_units 5016
Default: 5016
Set number of epochs:
--epochs 20
Default: 20
Use GPU for training:
--gpu true
Default: False
Continue to train a previously trained network:
Default: False
By default the script will create a new neural network.
Providing a path to a previously generated checkpoint will train the previously generated network instead.
python flowers --gpu true --epochs 35 --save_dir checkpoint.pth --learning_rate 0.001 --hidden_units 5016, --arch vgg16