
Examples of Design Patterns in Java Language

Primary LanguageJava

Design Patterns

Creation Patterns

Factory Design Pattern

  • The factory returns an Interface which have several implementations (ie NotificationService, which is implemented by SmsNotificationServiceImpl and EmailNotificationServiceImpl)
  • From this interface (NotificationService) we call the common method which automatically will be redirected to overrid the implemented method.

Abstract Factory

  • A Factory Producer returns a Factory which extends from AbstractFactory
  • The rest is like Factory Design Pattern.


  • This pattern prevent we instantiate more than one object from same class.


  • With this pattern we can clone an object similar.
  • We need to extend an interface ie "Cuenta" from "Cloneable" class
  • We can call from Implementation ie "CuentaImpl", the clone() method which will return the interface type (we need to cast this to the implemented type).


Structural Patterns


  • Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces.