
Manage all your shell alias easily

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

If you don't know what an alias is, I recommend that you use them. What is an alias?


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Malias is a shell script that lets you add, edit, delete and more to manage your aliases on linux/mac. It's compatible with bash and zshrc (or either use your own file).

Example to show your current aliases: malias -l


git clone https://github.com/victormln/alias.git ~/.alias
source ~/.bashrc   # or source ~/.zshrc

The install script adds the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

alias malias="~/.alias/alias.sh"


To uninstall you can use in your console: uninstall_malias NOTE: If you want to totally uninstall the script, delete the folder: ~/.alias

The uninstall script removes the following line from your .bashrc or .zshrc:

alias malias="~/.alias/alias.sh"


You can configure a lot of parameters. For example, don't search for automatic updates, change the language or change the directory of the file that contains your aliases. To change all these parameters you can open the file conf/user.conf.


For example, if you want to add an alias, you can execute: malias -a your_alias

All available arguments:

Argument Abbreviation Meaning Use
--help -h Show available commands malias --help
list or view or show -l Show the aliases you have malias -l
add -a Add an alias (or more than one) malias -a test1
edit -e Edit an alias (or more than one) malias -e test1
delete -d Delete an alias (or more than one) malias -d test1 test2
copy -cp Copy an alias (or more than one). You can copy an alias that already exists. malias -cp alias_origen alias_nuevo alias_nuevo2
--conf Open the file with all the configurations. By default the file is opened with "vi", you can change it in the opened file. malias --conf
--clear Remove from the file that contains the aliases, those that are empty and empty lines malias --clear
--import Import alises from specific file. malias --import directory/fileName.txt
install Install an aliases from the directory "alias". malias install name_of_file
--restore Restore a backup file with all your aliases before executing any action. malias --restore
--update Search for available updates. malias --update
-v Shows the version of the script. malias -v


You can update this script with the option --update:

malias --update

If this options does not work:

cd ~/.alias
git pull origin master


If you have some improvements to this script, feel free to make a pull request.