
A declarative framework to build web apps from JSON apis

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Build HTML apps from JSON APIs in no time

Chaplin maps HTML templates to API endpoints and renders them server-side.

It's great for:

  • Quickly prototyping an app from an existing JSON API.
  • Quickly shipping an non-user facing app, like an admin interface to your main app for your sales team.
  • Writing an app only using HTML, Mustache and YAML.


Like any other Ruby gem, Chaplin can be installed with

$ gem install chaplin

Or added to an existing project's Gemfile

  gem 'chaplin'

Getting started:

You can create a new project with

$ chaplin new my-app

Here is the basic structure of a Chaplin app:

- public/             # all files in there are served statically
- templates/          # HTML templates that will be rendered using Mustache
- app.yml             # The YAML mapping between API endpoints and HTML templates
- chaplin_config.yml  # The url of the API the server will connect to, and other configuration values

You can start the server either with the chaplin command, or as a Rack application.


  • Reference

  • chaplin-blog is an example app with a Parse backend

  • chaplin-init is a starting point with some basic front end dev tooling (gulp, zurb foundation and such)


For troubleshooting or any questions about using Chaplin, hit me up on twitter @VictorMours.

Chaplin is still in its early days, so I wouldn't recommend it for user-facing production apps just yet. We've been using it for an internal app for a couple month and it does the job.