Hi, I'm Victor Okoroji! 👋 👩🏾‍💻

A Full-stack web developer who enjoys coding and is ready for adventure. My passion lies in helping companies serve customers and improve customer experience by building user-friendly and responsive Software Applications.

A little more about me...

const okorojiVictor = {
  openTowork: true,
  lookingFor: "Front-End developer" || "UI/UX designer",
  pronouns: ["he", "his"],
  languagesAndTools: [Ruby, PostgreSQL, Typescript, JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML/CSS, Semantic UI, Bootstrap,
  Tailwind CSS],
  askMeAbout: [Football, Movies],
  challenge: "I am currently working on javascript and i am learning Ruby on Rails",
  funFacts: ['I literally envision the coding aspect of virtually everything'],
  reachMe: 'okorojiebube2@gmail.com'

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You can check out my portfolio here